71.4583 Hz
67.9064 N
L = Length of tube = 1.2 m
l = Length of wire = 0.35 m
m = Mass of wire = 9.5 g
v = Speed of sound in air = 343 m/s
The fundamental frequency of the tube (closed at one end) is given by

The fundamental frequency of the wire and tube is equal so he fundamental frequency of the wire is 71.4583 Hz
The linear density of the wire is

The fundamental frequency of the wire is given by

The tension in the wire is 67.9064 N
Answer: we divide this equation by pV and use {C}_{p}={C}_{V}+ . ... The temperature, pressure, and volume of the resulting gas-air mixture
Change of momentum = M (Vf - (-Vi)) where V represents the scalar speeds of the ball or
I = M (ui + uf) and I is the impulse ΔM V = I Force = Change in Momentum
Magnification of the objective lens used and the magnification of the ocular lens.
Explanation: I hope you have/had an amazing day today<3