Chicken has the most calories
In a way, all of the answers could be argued for (for example: in the first option: if the scientists' opinions are understood to be "informed understanding of the causes of events"), but one of the options is the best:
Scientific laws describe specific relationships in nature without offering
an explanation.
The reason why I think this is true is that many laws are phased too short and too concise to provide comprehensive explanations, instead they describe the relationships that must hold.
One of the options is pplain false:
Scientific laws explain why natural events occur. -"Scientific laws were theories that have been tested, proven, and adopted as laws." - since they are not adopted as laws.
The Hawaiian Islands were literally created from lots of volcanoes—they're a trail of volcanic eruptions. In the case of the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific Plate is continually moving to the northwest over the Hawaiian hot spot. This movement caused the Hawaiian chain of islands to form.