Most of UV radiation is stopped by glass & this is why you will not get sunburns behind a glass. The glass simply filters out the UV radiation that is responsible for the sunburns & protect your skins from these energetic & somewhat harmful radiation
The three different examples of the accelerated motion are Falling/dropping of ball, Standing in circular rotating space, moving around the circle.
Acceleration is the change in velocity, which is related to the speed and direction in which the object is travelling. Hence, speeding up, slowing down and turning are few types . A simple example would be dropping a ball: as it falls its speed increases, which is a type of acceleration. A more complicated example would be standing in a circular, rotating space station. A point on the station moves in a circle, meaning that as it travels it must be turning (to remain in circular motion) making this another example of acceleration
potential, kinetic, elastc energies
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Newton's first law of motion is that an object in motion will tend to stay in motion unless an external force acts upon it.