b) Commonly used to transmit network signals over great distances.
The transmission of information or data by using microwave radio waves is known as microwave transmission. Microwave transmitter is commonly used to transmit network signals over great distances. It is an electronic device that transmits and receives radio frequency signals ranging from 1GHz to 100GHz.
The microwave transmitter has a wide range of applications and these includes, radio stations, television stations, mobile phones, radio astronomy, radar,
<em>Python code is as follows:
#function to get number up to any number of decimal places
def toFixed(value, digits):
return "%.*f" % (digits, value)
print("Enter the price: ", end='', flush=True) #prompt for the input of price
price = float(input()) #taken input
totalCost = price + 0.05 * price #calculating cost
print("Total Cost after the sales tax of 5% is applied: " + toFixed(totalCost,2)) #print and output totalCost