Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram is an essential tool used in stellar evolution. In the universe, there are several hundreds of billions of stars. Scientists use the tool, in differentiation, the billions of stars in the world from the sun. In the HR tool, there is plotting of the luminosity or energy output of a star, which is plotted on the X-axis of a graph against the absolute magnitude. The sun's magnitude is an absolute of +48, which, when plotted against its luminosity, helps in setting an apparent variance between the sun and any other star. Additionally, the sun has been identified as the primary star with a very high temperature. Hence the tool can locate the sun from other forms of stars. HR diagrams outline data such as temperature and luminosity or energy. However, star distance from the Erath is not a type of data represented in the charts.
Hope this helped you!
I = 215.76 A
The direction of magnetic field produced by conductor 1 on the location of conductor 2 is towards left. Based on Right Hand Rule -1 and taking figure 21.3 as reference, the direction of force Fm due to magnetic field produced at C_2 is shown above. The force Fm balances the weight of conductor 2.
Fm = u_o*I^2*L/2*π*d
where I is the current in each rod, d = 0.0082 m is the distance 27rId
between each, L = 0.85 m is the length of each rod.
Fm = 4π*10^-7*I^2*1.1/2*π*0.0083
The mass of each rod is m = 0.0276 kg
F_m = mg
I = 215.76 A
mathematical calculation maybe wrong or having little bit error but the method is perfectly fine
Wavelength =velocity ➗ frequency
wavelength =1500 ➗ 1000
Yes it does, uh huh. It slows down as it rolls. That's a fact.
In order for the ball to roll forward, it has to push grass out of the way. That takes energy. To bend each blade of grass out of its way, the ball has to use a tiny bit of the kinetic energy that it has, so it gradually runs out of kinetic energy. When its kinetic energy is all gone, it stops moving.