To increase it's size
Waxing is the opposite of waning, which is to decrease.
The car has an initial velocity
of 23 m/s and a final velocity
of 0 m/s. Recall that for constant acceleration,

The car stops in 7 s, so the acceleration is

Replacement-Level Fertility
Another important population characteristic that differ btw develop nation and developing nations is relates to births is replacement-level fertility. Replacement-level fertility is the fertility rate that will result in the replacement of the parents in the population. Again, in an ideal world, the human replacement-level fertility rate would be exactly two. This would mean that each couple would produce two offspring that would replace them in the population. If this occurred, then the human population would stay at a stable rate
Light waves slow down as they travel from gas to solid.
The speed of light is often quoted with reference to a vacuum. Light travels fastest in a vacuum and in a gas.
When light travels through other media such as solids or liquids, the speed of light is decreased due to absorption and scattering of photons by molecules as well as remissions.
Hence the speed of light decreases from gas to solid.
Tension is also known as Force...
and Force is mass× acceleration.