question5: F=74312.5N
question6: charge at the end of antenna=0.37N
Coulomb's law: the magnitude of the force of attraction or repulsion due to two charges is proportional to the product of the magnitude of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of distance between the charges.
is the force of attraction or repulsion
is Coulumb's constant=
are the magnitude of the charges
is the distance between two charges
The force between the two charges is attractive if they are of different polarity
The force between the two charges is repulsive if they are of same polarity
Given: q1=0.041 C, q2=0.029 C, r=12 m
therefore by Coulumb's law,

Given: q1=
, r=5 m, F=
therefore by Coulumb's law,

A black hole is a cosmological object that is created when a massive star comes to the end of its life and collapses under its own gravity. Black holes have massive gravitational fields that even light cannot escape beyond a certain distance. Before being engulfed, matter that is pulled into a black hole should become very hot and emit electromagnetic radiation.
B. Mentally represent their environment