hai điện tích điểm bằng nhau có độ lớn 6.10^-8C đặt cách nhau một khoảng là r trong dầu hỏa có hằng số điện môi E=2,1. Lực tương tác tĩnh điện giữa chúng laf3,85.10^-4. tìm r
Because if an object is moving at a constant speed the force of friction must equal the applied (horizontal) force, and for it to be accelerating or decelerating, the force of friction and the applied force must be unequal
In combination, the equatorial bulge and the effects of the surface centrifugal force due to rotation mean that sea-level gravity increases from about 9.780 m/s2 at the Equator to about 9.832 m/s2 at the poles, so an object will weigh approximately 0.5% more at the poles than at the Equator.
Psi communication: The term "Psi communication" was initially originated in an article named 'Mass Communication and Para-Social Interaction' during 1956 by Donald Horton, and is also denoted as "parasocial interaction". It is described as a phenomenon that involves "one-sided interaction" between people, encompassing the viewer knowing a specific celebrity well whereas the viewer himself or herself is being completely unknown for the celebrity in return.
In the question above, the given statement represents that the Psi communication is responsible for transforming via an unknown process as one of its members are considered as unknown of the transfer, so the correct answer would be "unknown process".