Heat gain of 142 kJ
We can see that job done by compressing the He gas is negative, it means that the sign convention we are going to use is negative for all the work done by the gas and positive for all the job done to the gas. With that being said, the first law of thermodynamics equation will help us to solve this problem.
Δ ⇒ Δ
Therefore, the gas gained heat by an amount of 142 kJ.
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Removal of dust and fluff from spinning mill is important as it has adverse and detrimental effects on the health of the workers in these industries. Tiny and microscopic particles of various substances present in the surrounding air is transferred from one place to another and these causes various respiratory diseases and pose health hazards for the workers and make work environment unhealthy and hazardous thus affecting the over all efficiency and productivity.
Cotton dust , the major pollutant, when breathed in affetcs the lungs badly and workers experience symptoms such as respiratory problems, coughing, tightness in chest, etc. Thus to ensure proper health of the workers spinning mills have been provided with powerful air conditioning to ensure purity of air, to maintain proper moisture levels and to ensure dust and fluff removal.
The dust and fluff laiden air is humidified, purified and then recirculated. Optimization of number of air changes/hour to clean air stream and prevent any health risk of the workers.
Could be more than 10 but
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Answer:Just multiply 90 by itself 46 times
do it