उव्ग्वुव ह्व्झ एउएइहे एइएइएइएएइ सिसुब्स्सी बीस सिस इस्ब एइब
?उग्व्ब्वु विब्सिए इसिग्व विद्बिअब्द सिह्व्व इस्ब्व दिव्ब्स विह्द ऐद्जिइ सुउगव्दी सिइगैगे क्ज्गैइव अजिव्व्ज्व्स कैह्द अजि ह्ज्फ्ज इअह इकुगै ईग इअबे अजिव्ब जैइअब इऐहे ऐइहे ऐइग्गे अत्व्ब ओप्झब रोज दिधिए ऊइफ्ब इसुहद ईउहे सिउउअ दिइब्द स्सिउए ऐइहे सिएय्व एउविये एइव्वे
search up the kinetic energy and potential energy etc. then take them and look at the characteristica are they the same? What makes them similar? Why are they different ? How? Then add the chemical nuclear and electrical changes it creates. Now the rest! There you’ve got this! If you need support I’m here! Hope this helped!
How Heavy? More than 2,300,000 limestone and granite blocks were pushed, pulled, and dragged into place on the Great Pyramid. The average weight of a block is about 2.3 metric tons (2.5 tons).
<em>The convex lens is a lens that converges rays of light that convey parallel to its principal axis (i.e. converges the incident rays towards the principal axis) which is relatively thick across the middle and thin at the lower and upper edges. The edges are curved outward rather than inward.</em>