<u>EFFECTS: ( doughts)</u>
- There would be less water in the river for you and other people who live along the river to use.
- If we use too much water during times of normal rainfall, we might not have enough water when a drought happens.
- The immediate impacts of flooding include loss of human life, damage to property, destruction of crops, loss of livestock, and deterioration of health conditions owing to waterborne diseases.
- power plants, roads and bridges are damaged and disrupted, some economic activities may come to a standstill, people are forced to leave their homes and normal life is disrupted.
How to prevent from flooding is :
- Construct buildings above flood levels.
- Tackle climate change
How to prevent from droughts :
- drought trends that may occur based on statistical and actual weather forecasts.
- In the U.S., the U.S. Drought Monitor provides a day-by-day visual of the drought conditions around the country.
* Hopefully this helps:) Mark me the brainliest:)!!!
sun is a ball of hot gases containing different kinds of elements at different
cores. It has a very high temperature that radiates all throughout the Milky
Way galaxy. The sun has three main parts; photosphere, chromospheres
and corona. The outer core of a star located at the chromospheres contains
mostly of hydrogen. Inside the hydrogen is helium then carbon, oxygen, neon,
magnesium silicon and the inert gas. The photosphere is scattered by the loose electrons in the corona’s plasma.
They are too small are never in the same place. Electrons are constantly moving in random motion within the electron cloud, making them impossible to follow.
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