Hey, it depends what you subscribed to, or what platform you are trying to unsubscribe from?
flip flops are shoes and they look like shoes
Both Technician A and B
In a vehicle suspension system, a shock absorber has the functions such as; limiting the movement of the vehicle, stabilizing the ride, stabilizing the tires of the vehicle, minimizing wear and tear in the vehicle and decreasing the overall suspension tear. Some of the ways of maintaining shock absorbers is to inspect the strut for leaks.Shock oil sometimes leaks to cover the seals with a transparent liquid.
Sound barrier.
Sound barrier is a sudden increase in drag and other effects when an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound. Other undesirable effects are experienced in the transonic stage, such as relative air movement creating disruptive shock waves and turbulence. One of the adverse effect of this sound barrier in early plane designs was that at this speed, the weight of the engine required to power the aircraft would be too large for the aircraft to carry. Modern planes have designs that now combat most of these undesirable effects of the sound barrier.