The sound of one whale calling another whale under water is SOUND
B. A pulse sent down a stretched rope by snapping one end of it is a TRANSVERSE WAVE
C. The vibrations in a guitar string is LONGITUDINAL WAVE.
The sound of one whale calling another whale under water is SOUND WAVE because sound waves is a form of vibration that causes movement of energy and transport it in a medium. These consists of different compressions, vibrations of particles and it is a Longitudinal wave.
A pulse sent down a stretched rope by snapping one end of it is a TRANSVERSE WAVE because Crest and troughs are formed when pulse is sent down a stretched rope by snapping one end and transverse wave is a wave in which it's particles in a medium then transport itself in a direction which is usually perpendicular to the directions of the wave.
The vibrations in a guitar string is LONGITUDINAL WAVE because guitar strings causes a vibration and vibrates in air medium which result in the formation of compressions, vibrations and rarefactions in the wave of sound through the air medium.