A star's temperature is most likely indicated by the color of it. The hotter the star, the bluer it is. The colder the star, the redder it is.
Sdhdmzir d sjdurkshrjeidnrjddneuxneixfnsidnrjxcbfnxudnx
we have no quantum effects therefore we can make use of Maxwell Boltzmann distribution in the description of this system.
using the boltzman distribution the probability of finding a particle in energy state

we have
gi to be degeneration of the ith state
ei to be energy of ith state

We have R to be equal to

Yes! Light from the sun can affect the materials certain carpets are made out of. The usual effect being the dye in the carpet being "washed out" or "dried out" as the sun beams down on it. When this happens, the carpet will usually lose its color, causing it to fade.
The answer is to increase energy. Hope this helps!