6: velocity i hpe this is what your looking for
Answer: x=125m, y=48.308m</h2>
This situation is a good example of the projectile motion or parabolic motion, in which we have two components: x-component and y-component. Being their main equations to find the position as follows:
is the projectile's initial speed
is the angle
is the time since the projectile is launched until it strikes the target
is the final horizontal position of the projectile (the value we want to find)
is the initial height of the projectile (we are told it was launched at ground level)
is the final height of the projectile (the value we want to find)
is the acceleration due gravity
Having this clear, let's begin with x (1):
(4) This is the horizontal final position of the projectile
For y (2):
(6) This is the vertical final position of the projectile
Twin type has less to do with what twins look like and more to do with how they formed.
Identical, or monozygotic, twins form when a single fertilized egg splits and develop as two babies in the uterus. Identical twins originate from the same combination of cells and have the same genetic origin. They are ALWAYS the same sex, two girls/two boys. They may look very similar and it may be difficult to tell them apart.
Fraternal, or dizygotic, twins are two individuals from the same pregnancy who from TWO SEPARATE eggs fertilized by TWO SEPARATE SPERM. The genetic similarity between fraternal twins is the same as any two siblings, about 50 percent. They can be boys, girls, or one of each.
. Doppler ultrasound is based on absorption of sound, and other
ultrasound technology is based on reflection.D.