HI buddy!
An integrated circuit(IC) is a semiconductor water on which thousands of tiny resistors, transistors are fabricated.
Remember that an integrated circuit are the heart and brains of most circuits. They are the keystone of modern electronics.
I hope this helps!
Kinematics is the study of motion, without any reference to the forces that cause the motion. It basically means studying how things are moving, not why they're moving. It includes concepts such as distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration, and it looks at how those values vary over time.
a) S = 2.35 10³ J/m²2
b)and the tape recorder must be in the positive Z-axis direction.
the answer is 5
c) the direction of the positive x axis
a) The Poynting vector or intensity of an electromagnetic wave is
S = 1 /μ₀ E x B
if we use that the fields are in phase
B = E / c
we substitute
S = E² /μ₀ c
let's calculate
s = 941 2 / (4π 10⁻⁷ 3 10⁸)
S = 2.35 10³ J/m²2
b) the two fields are perpendicular to each other and in the direction of propagation of the radiation
In this case, the electro field is in the y direction and the wave propagates in the ax direction, so the magnetic cap must be in the y-axis direction, and the tape recorder must be in the positive Z-axis direction.
the answer is 5
C) The poynting electrode has the direction of the electric field, by which or which should be in the direction of the positive x axis
<span>The option that does not contribute to wellness are tendencies. Tendencies are just things that you are more likely to do, or behavior that you are more likely to show, and in no way does that affect your wellness. However, your habits, exercise, and diet do, because all of these things have an impact on both your body and mind, thus creating a wellness of the entire human being.</span>