A working with machinery be a common type of caught-in and caught-between hazard is described below in complete detail.
“Caught in-between” accidents kill mechanics in a variety of techniques. These incorporate cave-ins and other hazards of tunneling activity; body parts extracted into unconscious machinery; reaching within the swing range of cranes and other installation material; caught between machine & fixed objects.
special type
As per the classification of milling cutters. This cutter can handle deep and long open slots in a more comfortable manner, which increase the productivity.
A) energy loss E = pgQtH
Where p = density in kg/m3
g = gravity acceleration in m/s2
Q = flow rate in m3/s
t = time taken for flow in sec
H = height of flow in m
B) power required to run pump;
P = pgQH
Detailed explanation and calculation is shown in the image below
It would have environmental and societal impacts