Because china was in war, and her parents didn't have enough money for to go to school.
Earthquakes occur in the crust or upper mantle, from the earth’s surface to about 400 miles below the surface. But the very deepest earthquakes only occur at subduction zones where cold crustal rock is being pushed deep into the earth. In California, earthquakes are almost all in the top 15 miles of the crust, except in northern California along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which extends into Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.(tectonic plate boundaries)
The magnitude<span> of a </span>velocity<span> vector is </span>called<span> speed. Supposethat a wind is blowing in from the direction at a speed of 50 km/h. (This meansthat the direction from which the wind blows is west of the northerly direction.) Apilot is steering a plane in the direction at an airspeed (speed in still air) of250 km/h