The drawings are in the figure attached below.
"Constitutional isomers" is a term used in chemistry to refer to chemical compounds that have the same constitution and molecular formula distributed in a different structure. That is, the compound has the same atoms, but when built in a three-dimensional image, these atoms occupy different places within the same structure.
Fluorine is identified as the most reactive nonmetal and the most electro-negative element in the periodic table, making it the strongest oxidizing agent. Caesium is the most reactive metal in the periodic table, so much that working with this metal often ends in explosions!
Hydrogen is a very reactive gas, and the alkali metals are even more reactive. In fact, they are the most reactive metals and, along with the elements in group 17, are the most reactive of all elements.
Hope that helps.
The oxidizing agent receives electrons from the reducing agent.
2) The oxidation agent takes electrons from the reducing agent.
Chelate, any of a class of coordination or complex compounds consisting of a central metal atom attached to a large molecule, called a ligand, in a cyclic or ring structure. An example of a chelate ring occurs in the ethylenediamine-cadmium complex:
The ethylenediamine ligand has two points of attachment to the cadmium ion, thus forming a ring; it is known as a didentate ligand. (Three ethylenediamine ligands can attach to the Cd2+ ion, each one forming a ring as depicted above.) Ligands that can attach to the same metal ion at two or more points are known as polydentate ligands. All polydentate ligands are chelating agents.
Chelates are more stable than nonchelated compounds of comparable composition, and the more extensive the chelation—that is, the larger the number of ring closures to a metal atom—the more stable the compound. This phenomenon is called the chelate effect; it is generally attributed to an increase in the thermodynamic quantity called entropy that accompanies chelation. The stability of a chelate is also related to the number of atoms in the chelate ring. In general, chelates containing five- or six-membered rings are more stable than chelates with four-, seven-, or eight-membered rings.
When edible oils are idle and stored for a long amount of time, they undergo oxidation due to the exposure to oxygen. This oxidation causes rancidity in oils.