Basically its just an air like fluid with chemicals.... just like air it just goes as it pleases and fills space
Yes you can, with using scientific experiment.
Ask a question -- Do background Research -- Construct a Hypothesis --Test with an Experiment -- Procedure working? -- Yes or no? -- Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions
With an experiment you can discover if its correct or not.
Hope this helps ! <3
The average acceleration of the ball during the collision with the wall is 
<u>Known Data</u>
We will asume initial speed has a negative direction,
, final speed has a positive direction,
and mass
<u>Initial momentum</u>

<u>final momentum</u>


<u>Average Force</u>

<u>Average acceleration</u>
, so
Mass is constant everywhere,
But weight is different,
If earth g = 10 then moon's is 1.6666667
Now billie's weight in moon is 41.6667