Sense organs are the windows of knowledge because they provide information about our surroundings and help us to differentiate many things.
There are five sense organs in human beings-
1. Eyes- Sense of Vision
2. Ears- Sense of Hearing
3. Nose- Sense of Smell
4. Skin- Sense of Touch
5. Tongue- Sense of Taste
Sense organs are the organs through which we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell. We have five sense organs-
1. Eyes
An eye is the organ of vision. Through eyes we can see the world, differentiate our surroundings depending on its shape, size, color, length, breadth, height, distance, etc.
Because of eyes we gain knowledge about our surroundings. Eyes are important to us and we should protect our eyes.
2. Ears
An ear is the organ of hearing. We can hear different sounds and differentiate them because of our ears. We should also protect our ears from hearing loss. Ears receive sound through the pinna (outer part of ear) and direct them into ear`. The sounds pass through the inner part of the ears and reach the brain that recognizes sound.
3. Nose
Nose is the organ of smell. We can distinguish different smells because of the nose. For example- Jasmine, ginger, lemon, camphor have different smells.
4. Skin
Skin is the organ of touch. Skin covers our body. When someone touches our skin, we can feel. Skin protects our body from heat and cold.
5. Tongue
Tongue is the organ of taste. We can distinguish different foods because of our tongue. Taste buds are present in the tongue that helps to identify sweetness, bitterness, sour, etc in the food.