C: if it senses unequal currents
Any Lens
I Hope it's right if not so Sorry :)
When there is wind it takes longer
With no wind, the round trip time is

When we have a constant wind speed w

comparing the reciprocal times;

This means that t1 is smaller than t2, ergo, it takes longer with wind
Jurgen Habermas is a German philosopher and sociologist
which is an expert in the field of critical conjecture and pragmatism. He is most
widely known for his theories regarding communicative rationality and the
public sphere. This concept of intersubjectivity is called as:
of mutual understanding”
If the refractive index of some substance is 1.33, then
the speed of light in that substance is
(speed of light in vacuum) / (1.33) =
(299,792,458 m/s) / (1.33) = <em>225,407,863 m/s</em>