Las drogas estimulantes son un grupo de medicamentos que tienen un efecto estimulante mental y físico en humanos y animales, estimulando y dando energía al paciente. Ejemplos de psicoestimulantes son cafeína, efedrina, anfetaminas y metilfenidato. Estos se usan en pequeñas dosis para, entre otras cosas, mejorar la atención del paciente y la capacidad de planificación, permitiendo un mayor y mejor rendimiento de la persona durante sus actividades diarias.
A su vez, un depresor es una sustancia que paraliza las funciones del sistema nervioso central, siendo las pastillas para dormir y los sedantes los depresores mas comunes. La acción de los sedantes se basa en su capacidad para activar los mediadores del sistema nervioso central, especialmente el ácido gamma-aminobutírico, causando en el paciente una sensación que puede ir desde la tranquilidad y relajación hasta un estado de somnolencia o incluso la propia inducción al sueño.
Por último, las drogas perturbadoras del sistema nervioso incluyen LSD, cannabis o la cocaína. Algunos efectos típicos son cambios en la visión y el oído, alucinaciones, confusión de sentidos, fuertes experiencias de belleza, disolución del yo y un sentido de unidad, experiencias religiosas y confrontaciones con el subconsciente. Este tipo de drogas son en su gran mayoría ilegales, y no forman parte de tratamientos médicos autorizados.
The answer is treated below.
<u>Natural gas</u>: Natural gas is not used in its pure form; it is processed and converted into cleaner fuel for consumption. It is a fossil fuel composed almost entirely of methane, but contain small amounts of other gases, including ethane, propane, pentane and butane. It is a combustible, gaseous mixture of simple hydrocarbon compounds, usually found in deep underground reservoirs formed by porous rock. Natural gas is mainly used as fuel for generating heat and electricity.
<u>Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)</u>: Liquefied Petroleum Gas is a byproduct of natural gas and oil extraction and crude oil refining . At room temperature, liquefied petroleum gas is a colourless and odourless gas which consists generally of butane (C4H10) or propane (C3H8) or a mixture of both.
<u>Liquefied natural gas (LNG)</u>: Is natural gas that has been liquefied for ease of transport or storage. It is refrigerated to a very low temperature (-162 Celsius). At this temperature it becomes an odourless, non-toxic liquid that can be safely transported over long distances.
<u><em> Three countries that have most of the world’s natural gas reserves</em></u>
- Russia
- Iran
- Qatar
<em>Major advantages of using conventional natural gas as an energy resource:</em>
- It is less expensive when compared to other fossil fuels.
- It is safer and easier to store when compared to other fossil fuels
<em>Major disadvantages of using conventional natural gas as an energy resource:</em>
- It costs more to recover the remaining natural gas because of flow, access, etc.
- It is not a renewable source.
- it is a combustible material, It must be handled with care.
- It does not contribute to greenhouse gases.
Three sources of unconventional natural gas :
- <em>Tight Gas</em>
- <em>Shale Gas</em>
- <em>Coalbed Methane</em>
<u>Major problems related to the use of </u><u>Tight Gas</u>
- When Hydrofluoric acid is used to release tight gas in reserves it potentially an issue simply because the substance is so dangerous. A spill or a leak could harm workers and pollute groundwater for uses.
<u>Major problems related to the use of </u><u>Shale Gas</u>
- Risk of ground and surface water contamination.
- Have impacts on air quality.
<u>Major problems related to the use of </u><u>Coalbed Methane</u>
- The development of coalbed methane will result to soil disturbance from construction of wells, roads, and the associated pipeline and electric power rights-of-ways.
- It has impact on wildlife.
Ar C = 12 g/mol, Mr C₄H₁₀ = 58 g/mol, Ar H = 1 g/mol


The answer is: [D]: a reactant.
Friston to energy
Friction to Energy as its a energy stooping the object form moving