Answer: The lower areas of the Atmosphere have a high temperature through the heats from the ground.
Explanation: High temperature experienced on the Earth surface is majorly caused by heats from the ground ( Earth crust).As a person ascend up to the Toposphere the temperature continues to reduce because because the heat from the ground is reduced as the heights increased.
It has been proven that as a person ascends into the Toposphere the amount of air and pressure reduces this will eventually lead to expansion of the gas particles which will then reduce the temperature.
Easy !
Take any musical instrument with strings ... a violin, a guitar, etc.
The length of the vibrating part of the strings doesn't change ...
it's the distance from the 'bridge' to the 'nut'.
Pluck any string. Then, slightly twist the tuning peg for that string,
and pluck the string again.
Twisting the peg only changed the string's tension; the length
couldn't change.
-- If you twisted the peg in the direction that made the string slightly
tighter, then your second pluck had a higher pitch than your first one.
-- If you twisted the peg in the direction that made the string slightly
looser, then your second pluck had a lower pitch than the first one.