The air leaving through the balloon's mouth pulls the balloon in the same direction as the exiting air, so the balloon experiences a net force. All air surrounding the balloon pushes the balloon forward.
Electromechanical systems or devices are systems or devices that involves the interaction between electrical systems and mechanical systems in which the motion of mechanical parts is converted to electrical energy or made to interact with energy or in which electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy or interacts with a moving mechanical system
Electromechanical systems convert <u>electrical energy</u> input into a <u>mechanical energy</u> output
Isolated system
By definition of a closed system it means that a system that does not interact with it's surroundings in any manner
The other options are explained as under:
Isothermal system : It is a system that does not allow it's temperature to change
Control Mass system : It is a system whose mass remains conserved which means the mass entering the system equals the mass leaving the system
Open system: It is a system that allows transfer of mass and energy across it's boundary without any opposition i.e freely.
To join and reinforce intersecting structural members
The purpose of a gusset or gusset plate used in the construction and repair of aircraft structures is to join and reinforce intersecting structural members
Reverse engineering
Reverse Engineering is the remaking of already made products following the deconstruction and examination of the product to make known the product design, code and architecture features, gain knowledge of the composition and construction in a scientific research approach
Reverse engineering is also known as back engineering and consists of three main stages
1) Recovery implementation
2) Design recovery
3) Recovery analysis.